Cheap Therapy

It's not that I don't have medical insurance or access to a plethura of psychologists, I just don't feell like going through the hassle again.

I find it a hassle to locate a doctor, make an appointment, WAIT because you can't get seen anytime soon. Then, go through the process of paying for 45 minutes for a doctor to partially listen to you and insist on guiding you to topics they want to hear about instead of the ones you want ro actually talk about. I've also never understood why you don't get a full hour. Nor do I understand why its ok for them to be late and move your appointments around. They tens to be  very ridgid when it comes to your schedule.

Yes, I need to talk to someone. Yes, my health is less than stelar and I can't seem to get control over my food choices even though I have been making the right choice to go to the gym.

Yes, the house is still in "hoarders paradise" condition despite doing something in it everyday.

Now, my latest crisis actually involves possibly losing my house. Not home. Hasn't been that since mom left. Just a house. A place where I sleep. Sometimes eat. As much as I dont like the mess or the constant need for upkeep, I still need a place to live. It seems like such a sad thing to pay off a home and than have the government take it away for less than $4k. But that's what Wayne county does.

Part of me wants to just leave & say, "F*** this!" While, at the same time, I know I'm in no position to just pick up and go. I have until September, and this is July, to come up with a remedy.

In the meantime, my options include sleepless nights and prayers. I continue to clean with the possibility of paring things down because I'll have to pack. Additionally, tryinf to put some money together to pay the back taxes.

Who knows?


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