That Includes Fam

In my last post, I talked about how I was going to work really hard to not let my students and their negativity or for that matter anyone's negativity at my job move me off my square.

I was not prepared to receive that negativity-that hostility from family! I especially was not ready to receive it during a time wherein we were supoosed ti be receiving spiritual gifts.

Yesterday, I went along with my family so that my father could attend the regional convention. My sister was willing to drive and since I have no car yet, I went along. I appreciate her for what she does but she has a tendency to let you know when she or someone in her family does anything. She consistently gives her family passes on their behavior unless they do something to their father that she deems unacceptable.

Anyway, she has always allowed her family to be first. I guess that's how you should be. I do not know because I have never been married, but I would hope I would have a mate that would be willing to let my flesh be first when its something nonessential.

Her children and mate exude a negative quality wherein if that person doe not "feel well," be it physically or emotionally, neither does anyone else in the family. When it comes to people outside of the family, they put on a fascadĂȘ. For all intents and purposes, they are the happiest and friendliest folks around. Within the circle, which I am on the border of, they are rude, cynical and disrespectful.

You would think that I would have learned by now that when there is a nees for an interaction with them, I would know how to act and react. Obviously, they are not going to change their method of operation, so that behooves me to make the necessary adaptations to avoid becoming upset by their frustrating behavior.

My father was not where he needed to be when we were growing up. He was not Manasseh but he was not Job or David either. I have forgiven bim and I pray to let his former actions go. I do not like the way they treat my father. They are so very rude to him. Granted they help him but they way they do it is faulty in my eyes. I recognize that I could be wrong. It could be that I am overly sensitive. However, Jehovah is very well aware of their actions. I recognize that he will correct things in his own time and way.

My sister has allowed her family to be rude to her very own father. She consistently brings up things he did in the past. She just will not let go. It is as if she and her family have never made mistakes. No, her husband has NEVER made any mistakes. They make me feel so uncomfortable. I wish I lived somewhere else where I rarely had contact with them.

Her son was in rare form yesterday. He was so ridiculously rude. I am still seething. I know I need to let it go but I am still so angry. I really am. They are so very arrogant. They are so very moody. They are really horrible people. No matter how they act, they defend each other's behavior. They circle the wagons to protect their circle.

My feelings are still hurt and there is no way they will ever admit they have done anything wrong. They believe that all of their actions are justified and correct.

It is at the point where although I know she wants to "help" by taking Dad to the last day of the convention, I really do not want to go with them again. Therefore, once I get my job and start getting my funds, once I get my car, once I can get up and running again, I am going to avoid association with them. Why should it matter that they are both my spiritual AND fleshly relatives? If we were not related, I would avoid their association. Therefore, in order to preserve my feelings and those of my father, I am going to limit my association with them. If someone believes I am holding a grudge, so be it. I am going to protect myself and limit contact with these toxic people! I am too old to allow anyone to mistreat me. If my father can stand them, that is his choice. I, however, am making the choice to avoid poisonous, negative, unhappy people.


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