
There is a certain peace that comes with acceptance of a situation. Let's say you have gone through various stages: shock, denial, fight or anger, sadness, clarity, and then acceptance. Acceptance is you have either neither the will or fortitude to continue to hope or fight for or against someting any longer. It's not necessarily an "all hope is lost" mentality but one wherein you recognize that your efforts could be positively used somewhere else. So I have arrived at the latter fork in the road. I know longer feel the need nor desire to hope for someone with whom I could share my life. I now recognize that based on either age, location, appearance or all of the aforementioned, I will never, yes, I have said NEVER find a mate in this world into which I have been born. I no longer believe I have the "goods." I do not possess the desireable qualities that men seek, whatever they may be. At this point in my life, I have decided to concentrate 100% of my energies into doing everything that my health, time & funds dictate for which I am elligible. No longer do I have the desire or hope or anticipation to meet anyone regardless of city, congregation or convention place. My goal now is to, simply put, survive and come out weatherbeaten but still in one piece. That is my goal. That is my hope. That, is my acceptance.


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